You need a natural hair routine revamp!
Hair still dry? Not seeing growth? A million single strand knots? No matter how long you've been natural, it's easy to feel like something is missing. That is because no hair journey is complete without a routine that is...consistent, effective and struggle-free. (keep reading below for the 5 step regimen to follow) 👇🏾 👇🏾 👇🏾 👇🏾
Follow these 5 steps next wash day...
1. Remove buildup while washing
After a week of using heavy products like gels, curl creams and butters, a lot of that product can end up settling on your scalp. Make sure you use a scalp massager to help break up that extra dirt. This will stimulate blood flow to your scalp and encourage new growth.
2. Deep condition with heat
Don't even think about skipping deep conditioning on Wash Day. After you apply your favorite deep conditioner, make sure you activate the ingredients by using heat on your hair. Many people will sit under a hooded dryer or use a deep conditioning cap for 15-20 minutes to see optimal results.
3. Detangle with a brush designed for curly hair
Watch out for brushes that rip through your tangles and cause breakage. Always detangle with a conditioner in your hair to help your brush slide through your curls. You also want to make sure you work in sections and start from ends to root. Detangling should never hurt - be patient so you do not cause unnecessary breakage.
4. Stop using cotton towels to dry your hair
Cotton towels cause BREAKAGE, sis. The fibers are too big and catch on your beautiful coils. Instead, use a material with smooth fibers like a microfiber towel. This will help with reducing frizz and split ends.
5. Apply products to wet hair
Your hair will start to dry as soon as you get out of the shower. Use a spray bottle to wet your hair before you apply any products. This will help you see the most definition in your curls and reduce frizz.
So what's next?
If you've been feeling like taking care of your natural hair is a chore, you're not alone. With a million and one products around it can get confusing to know what is RIGHT for your hair. At the end of the day, the only magic wand you can wave is upgrading your ROUTINE.
This is all possible with the Wash Day Kit by Joiful Bee. The Wash Day Kit is a bundle of 5 natural hair tools to help you establish a consistent routine and reach your hair goals - no matter your hair type.
Because you successfully completed the quiz, use code QUIZ at checkout for $5 off the Wash Day Kit
(👇🏾scroll down to learn more!👇🏾)

The Perfect Wash Day Kit
$64.95 ($200 value)
⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ 182 reviews
No Moisture? Detangling Sucks? More breakage than growth? We got you.
The Perfect Wash Day Kit is a bundle of 5 hair tools to assist in each step of Wash Day (washing, conditioning, detangling, drying and moisturizing). The Kit includes a...
💛 Scalp Massaging Shampoo Brush
💛 Microwaveable Deep Condition Cap
💛 Honeycomb Detangling Brush
💛 Microfiber Towel Turban
💛 Continuous Spray Bottle
Click below to checkout and use code QUIZ for $5 off your purchase.
⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ 182+ reviews
Seriously blown away by this wash day kit! After my first couple of uses, I can really see how much healthier my hair is. Everything in this kit is wonderful but oh my goodness I LOVE the detangling brush and the deep condition cap. I've never been able to detangle and comb through my entire head so gently and so quickly before! Very happy with my purchase. Also, customer service is amazing.
I initially bought this wash day kit for myself and I do love it BUT I used it on my five year old little girl and it was life changing. Anyone who has little ones knows that wash day can be a struggle on the best days and a full disaster on its worst. Using this kit on her hair made it so simple. She loved how fancy the towel turban made her feel and I loved how convenient using the spray bottle and detangling brush was.PS. My husband can't get enough of the shampoo brush and he has a fade. This product really is great for the whole family!
When I tell you this wash day kit is everything, that is exactly what I mean. When I first got this kit 4 months ago it changed by daily wash routine. I love the scalp massage brush and detangling brush THE MOST because my hair can be difficult and has her OWN personality. It makes life so much easier for me now. I cannot wait to take my distressed locs out so that I can get back to my weekly wash. This is a must buy!! If I had to I would buy it all over again.